Sunday 29 September 2019

September Update

G’day Praying Partners:

Thank you for your prayers recently on Jackie’s behalf. She was all clear at her cancer check-up – for which we are praising the Lord. However, she has been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis, which is an auto immune disease. After much prayer and research, she has decided to take a natural approach to this – including major diet change and herbal supplements. We would ask your continued prayers for her as she learns to deal with this on a daily basis.

We are asking for prayer for our big outreach coming up on Sunday, 22 September (our time)! That will be your Saturday night😊 This is the 2nd of our big outreaches that we do every year. Please pray that God would be glorified, kids would come, the gospel would be presented clearly, a great harvest would come (in God’s timing), safety and the hearts of our volunteers to be uplifted as they see God work. This year is a space theme and we have had a great time planning it out. An “astronaut” will be helping in the gospel presentation – showing the kids parts of God’s wonderful creation in the universe. We’ll let you know how it goes and when we have pictures up on our blog page!

It is officially Spring in Australia. I have to say that there is something uplifting about this particular time of year. As we see flowers begin to bloom and God’s creation come to life, you just get the feeling that God is bringing something beautiful to fruition. I’m so thankful for winter, though, as it makes me appreciate spring all the more. So true of our own lives as well, isn’t it? A verse that God recently impressed upon me is Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.” This year prayer has been a focus for us personally and the church. Be in constant prayer. It’s a challenge – but nothing compares to seeing God at work answering those very prayers! Don’t give up! God is working – if we don’t see it now, we will see it soon!

Shining the Light Down Under,
Rob and Jackie